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  • UHD is a html game junky parody project in 3 variations. UHD is a browser based interactive split-screen audiovisual remix and color-composition-game using web-works and animations by UHD is an overdosing project, a critical reflection
  • On Broadway -
    Interactive application and a public installation commissioned by New York Public Library for its exhibition "The Public Eye" How does a "data city" look like? We did not want to show the data in a conventional way using only graphs and numbers. We
  • Over a few days in February 2014, a revolution took place in Kyiv, Ukraine. How was this exceptional event reflected on Instagram? What can visual social media tell us about the experiences of people during social upheavals? If we look at images of
  • Deriva -
    Deriva is a participative media performance which takes place on public space and can be followed live, through a web browser, anywhere in the world. A smartphone, attached to a bunch of helium filled balloons, broadcasts out of control images and
  • This series of works made using photographic media explores the aesthetics of the double entendre and visual pun. A series of photographic prints on linen included: A tablecloth printed with a picture of a place setting after the meal has been eaten
  • There are two structural iterations of this anamorphic sculpture, which present the form of a typical architect’s adjustable drawing table. One is situated in a park and has four independent wooden elements, which only from one particular point of
  • Word Play
    Word Play is a permanent installation in the Stadstheater - the main theater in Arnhem, which stages both the classics and contemporary theatre. Word Play is constructed of two LED text displays that are mounted on rails and motorized so they move
  • This project was a conceptual plan made as a contribution to the exhibition Seamless Media. It describes a networked installation that develops the technological and aesthetic strategies first explored in Televirtual Chit Chat (1993) and
  • ZKM Aussenkenung are a group of five outdoor LED displays that together constitute the signage for the ZKM Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe. The contents of these displays are all freely programmable. 1 and 2. A tall column stands on the main
  • PlaceWorld is an embodiment of a physical electronic landscape (eSCAPE) that explores the potentialities of a new interaction paradigm: augmented virtuality. It was developed as an eSCAPE demonstrator in partnership with the European ESPRIT i3