Archive Search

  • bug[lab]02 -
    ... illustrate the potential consequences of some functional...
  • dog[lab]01 -
    ... their possible consequences. This is an ironic and...
  • ... them. Each projection consists of one video loop...
  • Conclusive Evidence -
    ... >>shows Conclusive Evidence, Dukan &...
  • World Wide VIP -
    ... card. One sculpture condenses these three products...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    ...The greenhouse converter is an apparatus for algae, water fleas and...
  • Romeo to Tripoli -
    ... by sound waves, controlled the flow of...
  • ... Sampling a few items contained within 1 pixel...
  • Bloom
    ... at the Hayward Fault continuously measures the Earth's...
  • TeleZone Overview -
    ... is a metaphor by which concepts for an Internet society...