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  • The Shredder -
    Shred the Web! An Alternative web browser that turns web pages into digital confetti. At a time when the web browser struggled against print metaphors like magazine and newspapter to find it's own identity, The Shredder revealed the "soft" nature of
  • ... of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth...
  • Digital Landfill -
    An neverending archive of digital trash. The artist has created an interface, in which the User can copy files from his computer or foreign websites - he can trash them. In a few seconds the files appear in different layers on the monitor. Now you
  • p-Soup -
    "p-Soup", a multiuser piece, uses algorithms to generate graphical events on screen whenever a visitor to the piece clicks within the art-work. There are nine graphical "flavors" that the visitor can choose from, but there are endless possibilities
  • Ripple -
    "p-Soup" and the forerunner "Ripple" are more formal graphic approaches to the Internet and the computer, using the possibilities of the Internet as an interactive shared space for creating aesthetic experience. (source:
  • TXTmob -
    TXTmob lets you quickly and easily share txt messages with friends, comrades, and total strangers. The format is similar to an email b-board system. You can sign up to send and receive messages from various groups, which are organized around a range
  • Marchtowar -
    Online gambling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US invasion of Iraq would begin. The winner was paid in pre-paid gasoline cards, all proceeds went to
  • This work needs time. Time to stand, sit or lie in front of your (computer) screen and look at the ongoing disintegration of the never ending Google image search. The result of this disintegration are abstract moving images, which run across the
  • iSee -
    ... avoid these cameras ("paths of least surveillance")...
  • Sky -
    Sky is a collection of conceptual pieces to transform nuclear weapons into works of art. (Iris-Project) (source: