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  • In Timo Kahlen's interactive film and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex and subtle compositions of text, image, sound and vibration are generated - always different and live - according to the varying position, direction
    Multichannel audiovisual composition (3Ch-Video, 4.1 Ch-Audio) This audiovisual journey focuses on viewing a natural field from a different perspective, with the perception of subtle movements and sounds leading the viewers / listeners to a magical
  • The video work stillalive is a commission for the Kunsthaus Graz and the exhibition ‘Faking the Real’. The concept was to produce an artistic edit of a specific three-minute excerpt from John Carpenter’s film ‘They Live’. This approach corresponds
  • Augenschein — a light installation for the Stieglerhaus, St. Stefan ob Stainz, AT The eye has always played a vital role in human history, whether as the organ of vision or as a pivotal cultural symbol in the arts of all ages. In digital and new
  • 2022, interactive online video for mobile devices with touch-screen (runs in web browser; best suited for iPhones and iPads) In her interactive video work Smart Pantheon RGB, Myriam Thyes addresses the almost religious devotion we give to our
  • Mixed-reality installation with live and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees of presence, traces of daily gestures and
  • Stage performance with three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between geopolitics and children's games. Internet found-footage combining images of Syrian refugee
  • Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice recognition system, one of the twelve clouds of information on the future of work, education, democracy...
  • Twin Depths -
    Video Installation. A series of perfomances 'An attempt to return back to native element'. The installation consists seven screens with loop playing seven movies. It is based on a series of performances 'An attempt to return back to native element'
  • “On the Road”, consists of twelve lenticular panels that explore the cinematic narrative potential of the photographic image in non-electronic form. The exhibition’s title “On The Road” makes reference to the defining work of the Beat Generation’s