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... village, closer to what could be a global body,... exhibit for the first time in China “Just Dig It!”... the global village, closer to what could be a...
... 1 or 2. ? Victor: What I consider my first... but it emerged over time as he became more... zoomorphics enclosed in a Synergetic...
... woman and an artist what will happen to human... a strong sense of time travel and creative...
... 1980s, and hence the time of the neoliberal turn... a manipulation that does not conceal but rather...
... of instructions. What distinguishes software... and at the same time leave space for... no digital art that doesn't have a layer of code... endeavor to take a closer look at the process of...
... has transformed into what could be termed... in Seattle, which in time will become more like... is unnerving, but does not produce any known...
... This rig permits what is in effect a 360... in a custom real-time 3D application running on...