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  • Visitors inhabit a dome-space where they move, communicate and interplay with performers. An experience of audience participation and multi-user interaction. Home to layers of performance, image, sound, text and interactivity, the dome space
  • Cadence -
    Animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore of the Laira estuary, on the coast of SW Britain, an endangered habitat now threatened by coastal erosion
  • 14#BIS -
    Expanded interactions and mixed landscape generate the 14#bis biocybrid system, to celebrate the 50th birthay of Brasilia. In a public event, by exploring mobile and locative interface in mixed reality, we put in the sky of the Brazilian capital,
  • acrylic paint on plexiglass, UV light reflector dim: 105 x 180 cm (each, series of 7) Photo by: Boštjan Pucelj, Archive Gallery Krško; DK / Archive KIBLA A series of images on Plexiglas shows a selection of two-dimensional diagrams of skyrmion
  • Geomart-ut24 -
    Artwork: Geomart-ut24 Technic: Technological Arts, Creative Coding, Geometric Arts Year: 2023 (Exhibited at the 10th Mediations Biennale Asia-Europe) Geometric patterns sometimes appear as a reflection of an order we observe in nature, and sometimes
  • "A culture is dead when its myths have been exposed. Television is exposing the myths of the republic. Television reveals the observed, the observer, the process of observing". — Gene Youngblood Initially, a single image of Nam June Paik,
  • Source of Energy -
    Kombucha SCOBY (a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) is an incredible creature. There are many different myths and legends about this. Even one concerns its extraterrestrial origin. Kombucha is also unique in that it cannot be accurately
  • Cosmic Matter -
    Cosmic Matter brings forth Csuri s ability invoke Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism within the realm of technology. As Maurizio Calvesi eloquently described the dynamics of this piece, Cosmic Matter is an explosion of coloured splinters, in a
  • Chronoscape -
    The totem consists of a clock mechanism, a monitor, and hidden video camera. It is a symbolic representation or embodiment of the concept of time and serves as a reminder of its flow, the impermanence of life or the cyclical nature of existence.
  • I Have a Wish -
    Have you ever had a wish filled with anticipation, hoping it would come true? Or have you ever looked forward to the future, eager to see those beautiful moments? “I Have a Wish" was born out of these thoughts. When you think of something, all that