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  • 11. Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Pathway, 1993 22" by 30" Pen plotted drawing. 12. Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Burning Bush, 2000 23" by 29" Pen plotted drawing. 13. Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Canon I, 1999 23" by 29" Pen plotted drawing.
  • ...The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at...
  • 32. Canticle to the Sun IV, 1996 20" by 15"" Pen plotted drawing. In 1966 the artist painted a large eight-foot by four-foot wooden panel as a "Canticle to the Sun". That work, celebrating the sun, incorporated text from the sun canticle
  • ... they were created with the same form generator sharing a common set of parameters. This work demonstrates the similarities...
  • TXTmob -
    ...TXTmob lets you quickly and easily share txt messages with friends, comrades, and total strangers. The format is similar to an email b-board...
  • Marchtowar -
    ...bling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US...
  • ... por una fuerte semejanza entre sí y se podrían considerar como un jardín digital criado por el software del artista Notes on...
  • 28. Endpiece, #79, 1990 Open: 6" by 20" Pen plotted drawing. The limited edition of 125 copies, bound in leather, was pulled by hand at the St. Sebastian Press in Minneapolis in 1990. Each copy has original, "one of a kind", tipped in front
  • iSee -
    iSee is an application for web-browsers and PDAs that charts the locations of closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras in urban environments. With iSee, users can find routes that avoid these cameras ("paths of least surveillance")
  • 4. West-East 2. 2000 Paper Size: 23" by 29" Pen and ink plotted drawing. Linear fields address the attraction and repulsion of opposites - their similarity and their difference are presented simultaneously as "West-East" or "Heaven and