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  • The Visible Genome Project is an interactive installation using two video touch screens and two high resolution video projections with two computers. On each touch screen is visible an array of the letters A, C, G and T, making up the base elements
  • An Explicit Volume -
    ... was shown as part of OctoberFest in association with Battersea Arts Centre in London in 2001 and has been presented at the Ferens Art...
  • ... Room, Sheffield Railway Station, UK 1998 Funded by the Arts Council of England, Northern Arts, Photo98 and Midland Mainline....
  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    ..."Plasm: not a crime" is the artistic statement of Peter Broadwell and Rob Myers that sharing secrets is not a crime. It used to be that most...
  • Plasm: A Fish Sample -
    ... series, this piece was inspired by Allen Kay's talk on artificial life forms and simulated ecologies at SIGGRAPH the...
  • Mimetic Starfish -
    The Mimetic Starfish is a virtual creature, projected onto a large circular table. It reacts to visitors hand gestures in a life-like manner, slowly extending a tentacle towards a gently moving hand, or receding rapidly in an impulsive manner if the
  • A time-based work on decay and energy presented in 6 museum vitrines arranged in a triangle, containing 3 alchemical flasks of acid, alakaline and base each with 3 rods of copper, iron and aluminium connected to 3 old IBM Dos computers, their
  • The Spectrascope -
    The gallery installation of The Spectrascope consists of a large scale projection of the image updating in real-time accompanied by the 'fear frequency'*. This is an audio frequency of 19hz, which is just below the range of normal
  • Sphere -
    ...SphereArtist: David LinkComment:
  • Epicene -
    An interactive installation which required the viewer to enter at which point they would hear a hypnotic induction. If the viewer did not enter, the piece retained an idea of a psychological barrier. (source: