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  • ... who face censorship or persecution with no public support. Touching the screen while viewing the artwork brings a link to a website on censorship of artists’ works in public space – including several cases at the Venice Biennial itself.
  • ... Musicians’ Society. On the one published on Neural is written ‘suggested duplication on any media’. In 1997 the first Neural website was established, and it was updated daily from September 2000. In 1998 the topics were restricted to three: media art, with a...
  • ... which were then performed by twenty-seven Egyptian musicians. In a similar manner images collected from various on-line websites concerned with the NSA surveillance scandal were collected and transferred on to long strips of scotch tape in which...
  • ... to the Internet -- allowing visitors in the physical space to create drawings and upload them to the Fetch-a-sketch website while simultaneously allowing users on the Fetch-a-Sketch website to create and send drawings to those in the physical space.
  • FACT Centre -
    ... provides clock data as well as the link to the building management system for the display of building data. In addition a web game is under development that will allow users to log on to the FACT website to play a game which directly controls the lights...
  • Cloud Murmurs -
    ...This project collects sound recordings taken in different datacenters, rooms where we store our data, websites and sensitive informations, as big clouds following us everywhere. Clouds seems to us intangible and impalpable, silent, due to their impossible distance. So...
  • ... the panel but sitting in the audience) suddenly approched her indicating he wanted her to stop. Minutes later, as Thiel's website was still on the screen, Gansing demanded, "... if I may "intervene" uh, first maybe we can switch the screen instead of...
  • ... as Schlingensief himself, this gilded ghost floats in and out and around the pavilion. Touching the screen brings a link to a website with information on several cases in which Schlingensief’s works had been censored.
  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    ... the past and the future of the Internet in an optical black and white delirium. Browse the desktop version. Access the webapp from your iPad or iPhone.
  • ... Sparks (2001-2008) and the Telelectures, which were streamed and archived through the Mobile Unit (2001). The portable webcast studio with user-friendly streaming software allowed the MARS team to record, archive, and transmit lectures by notable...