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  • ... revolutionary new form of live performance....
  • The Adding Machine -
    ... within which the drama unfolded.... allowed for the realization of...
  • Genesis -
    ... into bacteria, which were shown in the... by the artist for this work. The...
  • Panspermia -
    ...Panspermia is the name for the theory that life exists...
  • Traces -
    ... which stands in stark contrast to the... VR experience, which stands in stark... Traces is a project for networked CAVEs (immersive VR...
  • ... of a world in which to breathe is to... artwork presented for the first time at Ars...
  • Be Now Here - video
    ... rotating floor on which the viewers stand. ... is live. For production, a unique...
  • ... There is no start or end to the work,... the world within which virtual chimeras are... of natural forms and processes using...
  • ... edge of the Black Forest. The entire...
  • ... the wireframe on which to texture map it.... moving the camera forward, and moving the...