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  • Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the performers is materialized here by the pairing of the spatialization of their litanies to the movement of
  • Autobiography -
    "Autobiography" consisted of three light boxes and two computer stations. One computer displayed a Web site, which was created for "Autobiography". The other displayed the same material as the Web site, but provided a different way into these
  • Marcello Mercado 38% und Simulationen, 1999 Videoart, 4' 39", stereo 4:3 colour Music by Marcello Mercado Edited by Marcello Mercado Animation by Marcello Mercado
  • Elektron -
    Elektron is a site-specific installation examining the path of electricity from the source to the endpoint in the gallery. Electricity is invisible to the eye and yet indispensable in contemporary society. Switching on a lamp in our homes might seem
  • Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the performers is materialized here by the pairing of the spatialization of their litanies to the movement of
  • iC_inema 1
    iC_inema is an experiment in search of a completely new form of interactive cinema. With twelwe cameras a 360 degree panoramic view of the real world is recorded. Costum software combines the twelwe simultaneous recordings into a single panorama.
  • parallel -
    parallel uses Google Earth to track along the 49th parallel, that is, the western border between Canada and the United States. It's about a few other parallels: parallel countries, parallel modes of imaging and imagining, parallels between
  • netomat is a web browser that takes visitors for a ride into an unexplored internet. Unlike traditional web browsers, which retrieve only predefined web content and rely on the model of the page, netomat engages a different internet -- one that is
  • Newtown Creek is a massively contaminated Superfund site running through the Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Bushwick neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York. For the AR artwork "Newtown Creek (oil spill)" Tamiko Thiel has created a 3D object from the
  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural