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  • ... set at various locations in the San Diego-Tijuana area. "The border," notes Crandall,...
  • And so Eduction: the "alien within", as a hybrid architecture of real and virtual, as performance, as installation and concert, opens the horizon of virtual worlds capable of interacting at the deepest levels of mental activity of the surfing
  • ... a work by the man of letters who died in 1915 and who very much influenced the...
  • London Dig
    ... over the plague pits where those that died during the Great Plague were buried en masse...
  • Landstream -
    ... of Art on the Edge, curator Steve Dietz, San Jose (Ca), USA, 2006 LANDSTREAM...
  • Extruder -
    ... were made in 1947 (the year Henry Ford died) by the Ford motor company, an estimated...
  • ... table ist eine interaktive Installation, die es mehreren Besuchern gleichzeitig erlaubt,...
  • ... anderen Fernfühlern verbunden sind und diese (bzw. die Menschen, die auf ihnen sitzen) in...
  • ... outlets in Japan and Belarus and was studied by The Eisenhower Institute in the U.S." -...
  • ... to the reality that a soldier has just died in the Iraq war.