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  • Proverbs -
    As part of a public art commission, Olga Kisseleva installed a digital artwork in the patio of the Tulle mediathèque. "CrossWorlds Proverbs" is a composition of electronic tags based on proverbs on the subject of knowledge. The electronic tag is a
  • ... (ISS); French astronaut Thomas Pesquet realized it on...
  • sensegenerator -
    Sensegenerator recombines basic blocks of the german language to form sentences with fresh and unexpected meaning. The physical state of person gives clues for the complexity of the new sentence's structure. Words were sampled from arbitrary
  • ... where they felt comfortable or wished to invite...
  • ... Office intersection in Fort, Mumbai. This is a...
  • On translation -
    Every day we have to make decisions. These are decisions between affirmation and negation, between yes and no, between 1 and 0. The path is a long one that finally leads a translation of a text to its new destination. There it becomes obvious that
  • Karsten Schmidt, also known as Toxi, is the director of Post Spectacular, the London-based design studio. At the heart of his practice lies the use of code as a creative tool and open-source technologies. Schmidt believes in building his own tools,
  • Coleoptera - video
    Coleoptera Learning computer coding concepts for children (age 4 to 10) Developed for the Centre Pompidou, Paris © 2018-2019, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Coleoptera is an application that enables the creation of computer animated insects
  • Solar -
    As I mentioned in a previous entry, I am working on an application to be presented at the V&A Decode exhibition opening in December. I was asked to rework the Solar piece so that it could be audio responsive in real-time. During the development,
  • The Mechanic of Emotions is an art opera in 15+ parts each part can be a statement, an event, an installation, an object, a concert, a performance, a web site, a business... the Mechanics of Emotions (M-E) try not to tell the story of the