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  • Acentria
    video 4,'54 The video is dedicated to a friend, renowned Slovenian composer, academic and pianist JM, who passionately celebrated the miracle of music and life in everything he did. RIP JM (1926–2022).
  • ACM MM ART SHOW 2019, NICE Chairs: Maurice Benayoun, Nathalie Delprat Nice, France, October 21 – 25, 2019
  • This immersive audio environment explores how humans react to commands imposed by a machine generating its acoustic stimuli on the basis of tracked body movement. In this environment, different states of human and machine action are understood as a
  • Acoustic Environment -
    A collection and exhibition of a disparate yet representative array of machine sounds, analogous to the collection and display of zoological 'samples'. Developed in colaboration with Gary Warner.
  • Activism -
    ACTivism was a computer videogame created by Beatriz Albuquerque in 2005-2007, exploring activist key words that functioned in the audience as a way to remember, transform persons that read them and further contemplate afterwards. With
  • Actuated Workbench -
    The Actuated Workbench is a device that uses magnetic forces to move objects on a table in two dimensions. It is intended for use with existing tabletop tangible interfaces, providing an additional feedback loop for computer output, and helping to
  • ADA -
    analog interactive installation / kinetic sculpture / post-digital drawing machine
  • ADA consists in a device that captures sounds and images from every day activities of Itaú Cultural Center processes this data and give it back to the street. The most visible interface of ADA is a conic white construction that is integrated in the
  • Le concept de la Main Invisible développé par Adam Smith m’a toujours fasciné. En ces périodes électorales étasuniennes où il est brandi comme argument ultime, quasi mystique, pour justifier la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé
  • Adsum -
    Adsum is a cubic glass sculpture inside of which letters are laser engraved. The letters are positioned one in front of the other, thus forming a spatial poem inside the solid glass cube that can be read in any direction. 'Adsum' means “I am here”