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  • ... of personal data allows nations to increase the surveillance and control they have...
  • ... estamos acostumbrados. En el inconsciente, hay nuevas conexiones entre las...
  • Conversation Map -
    ... take place online in mailing lists, list services, threaded blogs, or busy Usenet...
  • ... image/simulation and original is becoming increasingly blurred.' - Tomislav Vignjevi?,...
  • Cross-Control -
    ... in the contemporary city, caused by the increased use of computer and mechanical...
  • ... connect the powerhouses of finance via inconspicuous Carrier Hotels, Crystal Math...
  • ... compositions in real time. The Cubey 1.0 incorporates both a physical cubic sculpture and a...
  • data.scan -
    ... with a diverse range of practitioners including the choreographer William Forsythe and...
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... Lab, Fraunhofer Institute, FIT, Sony NetServices and Gotland University. The team's... about a player’s current context, including their location, and this is used to...
  • Desert rain -
    ... fictional and the imaginary have become increasingly entwined.’ (Adams in Blast Theory,...