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  • ... video 1920 x 1080 pixels. The total number of pixels is 2073600....
  • ... to bring together egalitarian values, collaborative perspectives and...
  • Open(ing) Source -
    ... do with that information? The explanation of the results of the test,...
  • ... arena world results out of the total interrelation of all it's...
  • ... when the signals produce values beyond the tonal range of...
  • Phoxel Space -
    ... dataset. The intersected voxel values are projected back onto the...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... that can feed on these color values provided by the users video...
  • plastic trade-off -
    ... social life of the (im)material values of trading. The real-time data...
  • ... 280 objects selected from the total database by the Kohonen... positioned objects of similar value near each other in a...
  • Poetica Vaginal -
    ... project, Davis broadcast recorded vaginal contractions of ballerinas and beamed...