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  • Abominable Abdominal Wrinkles reffers to a Rrose Sélavy´s text: "Abominables fourrures abdominales".It belongs to a series of Writings produced by Duchamp based in the dadaist manner. The video (1 minute) plays with compactation of information
  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach.
  • Lilliput 1.0 -
    ... Mexican-style wooden pyramid with wooden...
  • Embracement -
    This unique work was a result of the first ever Australian collaboration between an artist and scientists from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics, leading to the use of a photodynamic screen especially developed to realise the work's
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ... creates a temperamental balance between...
  • ...
  • ... a mix of two identical video loops...
  • The Trill-machine -
  • National Institute of Justice Level 1: protective camping-gear.
  • Audio-CD recordings of neighbours.