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  • Haptic Opposition -
    Haptic Opposition is centered around a mechanically movable text display driven both by human beings and machine control. Different modes of force feedback interaction are embedded, as machine on its own, following the human movements, or opposing
  • This immersive audio environment explores how humans react to commands imposed by a machine generating its acoustic stimuli on the basis of tracked body movement. In this environment, different states of human and machine action are understood as a
  • ... The project was realised especially for the...
  • Loc-reverb develops Colson’s themes of location and memory, concerns seen in an earlier CD-ROM "Mindtracker". Loc-reverb blends photography and moving elements to portray the artist’s interrogation of locations, in particular London. It presents the
  • Pikapika -
    Meet Pikapika--a character influenced by anime and manga; Japanese pop animation and comics. Pikapika embodies movements from bunraku (puppet theater), a movement vocabulary Tomie Hahn studied while learning nihon buyo (Japanese traditional dance)
  • Liquid Eden is a java-based Web project that visualizes the collective mark of networked communication. Gardens have both a symbolic and personal relevance to the project. As a frequent subject of landscape painting, they have been used to
  • Portrait One -
    ... hypermedia and virtual reality. After the painted...
  • Family Portrait -
    ... As with other virtual reality systems, my portraits are...
  • Bio-Robotic Symbiosis -
    An integrated environment for animal-machine co-existence Bio-robotic symbiosis features a hexapod robot, two laboratory mice and the audience. The robot and the mice co-exist in a transparent plexiglass stand that is accessible to the audience. A
  • "Standby Deliver" - consists of steel plates facing each other and moving back and forth attached to activating motors. Underneath is a lit glass sugar molecule. Visitors have access to chewing gum, which they chew and stick to the plates, which