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  • Foto series The mechanics of emotions in photographs 6 photos with subtitles "La Mécanique des émotions" is a great tale of works : performances, installations, sculptures, machines… "eMoving Stills" are like a subtitled film in which the
  • Notes on Preliminary Plan and Accompanying Images. • The public enter through a gently curved corridor allowing time for their eyes to adjust to the low light level and obscuring the view ahead of the Forest. • Choice of paths to give a
  • ... appearance, unusual for fortune cookies, indicates they...
  • NeORIZON is a urban interactive art installation produced for Horizon Outdoor exhibit during eArts Festival Shanghai, October 18-22 2008 curated by Yan Xiaodong. The city skyline defines the "profile" of the City. It is the visible part of its
  • Interactive installation Emotion vending machine, music, internet The Emotion Vending Machine is the 12th act of an opus including 15 acts : the Mechanics of Emotions. The emotion vending machine is displayed like a vending machine for drinks
  • Wavefunction -
    ... raises each chair forty centimetres from the...
  • Beyond Manzanar is an interactive 3D virtual reality environment, a metaphorical landscape that explores political scapegoating of ethnic populations in times of crisis. The historic experiences of Japanese Americans in World War II and the more
  • Pulse Park -
    In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity measured by a sensor sculpture installed at the North end of the Oval Lawn. These biometric rhythms are translated and projected as pulses of
  • Pulse Tank -
    Pulse Tank is an Interactive installation where the heart rates of members of the public are detected by sensors and converted into water waves in a ripple tank. A light show is created by the resulting waves and their interaction. To participate,
  • "Shades of Absence: Outside Inside" places silhouettes of artists who have been threatened with arrest or physical violence into the closed curatorial space of the Giardini in Venice. Whether these artists are outsiders or insiders, known