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  • FLOOR | PISO -
    FLOOR is an interactive interface designed to transfer data of strength and movement in the human-human relation and the human-space time relation. The mode of agencying the FlOOR interface is very simple: you step on one of the two ends of the
    ... space around you, reflected in...
  • Shadows in the Rain -
    A unique digital painting on plexiglass, 40" x 40"
  • Conversation -
    A unique digital painting on plexiglass 40" x 40"
  • Longing -
    A unique digital painting on plexiglass, 40" x 40"
  • Lady of the Flies -
    A unique digital painting on plexiglass, 30" x 30"
  • Wind Map
    ... of energy surrounds us—energy that...
  • Timeline
    ... of images found on the web which...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... remains undefinable. The...
  • ... photos of underground...