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  • ... To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the...
  • Ballet Mori - video
    ...To commemorate the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, Ballet Mori...
  • The Tele-Actor -
    ... or rock concert. The "Tele-Actor" is a skilled...
  • Invisible Cantilever -
    ...This project considers the distance between the viewer and...
  • ... images painted with the robot. All images were...
  • Data Dentata -
    ... telecommunication. The user places his or her...
  • Inter Caetera Divina -
    ...Throughout the 5-day show, the robot arm drew world maps...
  • Quarxs - video
    ...Quarxs was one of the earliest computer animated series (3D...
  • ...CONTINUUM is a dance video on a theme of war, power and...
  • Up to 625 -
    ... accessed through the five key colors. A first...