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  • video 5,06' The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of simulating life at the molecular level. The structure, which periodically resembles a virus structure, complex proteins or carbon fullerenes, is
  • Transcendence Index -
    The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which analyzes texts of two periods (1900-1917 and 2000-2017) in order to calculate the index of their transcendence; – a robotic device which cooks 2 borschts (borscht is a
  • Neuro Mirror - video
    Neuro Mirror Artificial Intelligence Installation ©2017, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Collection of Itau Cultural This interactive installation deals with the image we have of ourselves and of others. In 1999 the Italian
  • Pine Family -
    Tree Story brings together creative practices from around the world to create a ‘forest’ of ideas relating to critical environmental and sustainability issues. At its foundation—or roots—are Indigenous ways of knowing and a recognition of trees as
  • Print on gold-plated steel The golden tableau depicts the outline of the Mediterranean Sea and its neighbouring states; escape routes and ferry routes, routes of cruise liners and patrol boats that cross the sea on their journeys were superimposed,
  • Reel - video
    ReelArtist: Claudia Robles-AngelComment:
  • RISIKO -
    Installation Europe, North Africa and the Middle East enclose the Mediterranean, generating a space "in-between": refugees seek to traverse it either from the Maghreb states or from Turkey towards Europe; in contrast, Europe creates both real and
  • Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice recognition system, one of the twelve clouds of information on the future of work, education, democracy...
  • Secret Detours -
    The 360° video »Secret Detours« served as an immediate approach to digitally preserve a Chinese garden in Singapore. Currently, my collaborators Benjamin Seide, Ross Wiliams and myself have developed a range of different versions in order to explore
  • Timo Kahlen's interactive work of net art /source/ (Postfactual), 2017 invites the viewer to search for reliable sources, for valid ‘facts’, for trusted nodes of information on the internet. A seemingly void, monochrome white surface is all it