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    MUSEALL (prononcer « Musée All », nom alt. : ARTGATE… nom de code) Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres Musées. Les petites municipalités
  • We are at the edge between human need and human greed. No need to be inside the Matrix to see that the world is covered with data quantifying all human activities into convertible and interpretable figures. As the new part of the Mechanics of
  • OPEN SKY GALLERY is an international platform and gallery designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public urban space. The Open Sky is a twofold project including Open Sky Gallery for artists and Open Sky Campus
  • QUARXS 90S
    At the beginning of the 90s, Quarxs was the very first 3D graphics HD TV series widely awarded as a pioneer TV program. Conceived in collaboration with comics author Francois Schuiten and Benoît Peeters, it has become a reference in the history of
  • Virtual tunnels are made to go beyond obstacles, to allow people appart to meet in spite of any form of obstacles. Frontiers and borders are artificial obstacles. Images from the Web reflect on what the zones of tension resulting from borders
  • When communications create and utilize a woven web of connections and when people feel they belong to something bigger than the global village, closer to what could be a global body, we discover the real obstacles and barriers that keep human kind
  • Brain Factory is an installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity through
  • The Art Institute of Nanjing University and Nanjing U Museum of Art exhibit for the first time in China “Just Dig It!” by Maurice Benayoun. Produced and presented by Osage Gallery in 2016, “Just Dig It!” presents VR artworks created from 1995 to
  • The ABSTRACT SHOTS are some of the outcomes of the BRAIN FACTORY that gave the exhibition spectators in Paris, Seoul, Brisbane and Hong Kong the possibility to become “brain-workers”. Using no hands and no words, they gave a shape to human
  • Brain Factory is an art installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain Computer Interaction (BCI), and then to convert the resulting form into a physical object. The work examines the human specificity