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  • utHOPEia
    ... the tension between realities and virtualities,...
  • Two rocking chairs are installed on the floor facing each other.The audience sees no interactions between chairs. The interaction is triggered when two people from the audience sit in the chairs and rock. Each chair has a sensor and motor.These
  • Heartbeats -
    "Heartbeats" is an interactive art performance and/or street exhibition which meant to reveal one's personal rhythm -heartbeat- to the public in collective way. It consists of some sets of balloons which has light in it and sensor to detect
  • Silvers Alter took the form of a large projection of 22 men and women. This population of people was changed - or evolved - by the audience's presence and movement within the gallery space. When the audience selected a person, information
  • Instruction Drawings -
    This workshop is a trial to describe how information flows through us. What we do with mobile phone is just exchange information. It enters through the ear and into the mind and then out through the mouth. In this workshop, visual
  • Othello in an urban space:A trial of doing "Othello ®" game in human scale. Each partisipant plays a role of a piece of the game. Unlike we do the game on board and play by two players, there is no center of decision. All the strategy of the game is
  • Televised Distance #2 -
    Even though we have the capability to communicate over long distances, we are losing the senses of "the body" when using modern technology. In the future, can we design a medium that overcomes that? "Televised Distance"is an interactive art project
  • Televised Distance #1 -
    Even though we have the capability to communicate over long distances, we are losing the senses of "the body" when using modern technology. In the future, can we design a medium that overcomes that? "Televised Distance"is an interactive art project
  • What if we can leave a memory on the air? If we can, we will see the landscape and space is filled up with memories. The project tried to visualize this fantasy with the help of modern technology and hacked electoronics. Ideal location of this
  • Nervousness. Allergy. Dependence. A hypersensitive environment transforms the image to a reactive system which parasites on it¹s surroundings, circumstances, observer. The image behaves like a instable network, a mutating virus, a overloaded nervous