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  • Pornéia
    ...FROM THE BACK COVER "These previously unissued recordings from the Porn Art Movement (1980-1982) include five performances recorded live on...
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... of the isle with slowly evaporating water, an interest already present in the artist’s yearlong stay in Cairo. The ancient chambers...
  • Secret Detours -
    ...0° video »Secret Detours« served as an immediate approach to digitally preserve a Chinese garden in Singapore. Currently, my collaborators...
  • Decision Disc N°1 -
    ... is thrown, as soon as the straw is drawn, we know already our preference and hope for the coin, the dice or else to land on the...
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... are used to treat the proband. Time frames for leisure are premeditated in our society, imitating the way we live our work life,...
  • ... 360 º fulldome-space brings together heterogeneous forms of presences generated by capture and visualization technologies used for...
  • Abandoned
    ... installation and exhibition: recorded and constructed, present and absent, visible and invisible. A dialogue between human...
  • ... in the creation of their own show. Explores a form of representation questioning the notions of tele-presence, voyeurism and...
  • Timeframe -
    ...Timeframe was developed as a possibility to re-access previously installed media art in the centre for art and media (ZKM) Karlsruhe
  • ... and scientific research practice, questioning the idea of predictability of human behavior. The title reconfigure(d) refers to...