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  • Open(ing) Source -
    To open the source code is one of the most significant processes in our contemporary technological landscape -the main reference is the free software culture or so called open source culture-. Opening the code means to share and to make something
    ”Joining different life forms, two different DNA, creates an even more beautiful and more resistant life form, a stronger DNA. Unknown life forms from other planet came down to Earth, in a silent crash of two worlds.” Using the symbiosis of two
  • Noor: A Brain Opera, Ellen Pearlman’s latest installation, is a 360 degree fully immersive, neurologically driven performance that took place on May 18, 2016, ISEA 2016 Hong Kong international society for electronic art. An EEG (electroencephalogram
  • css poetry declarationArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • The PHSCologram depicts the first computer-generated illustration of the AIDS virus, as known in 1987 when HIV infection was causing millions of deaths around the world. The image represents a colorized CAT scan of a person called Messiah who passed
  • World Stage uses digital representations of global species of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a time when national, political and social identity has been brought to the forefront of our minds, we are ever more
  • 24hr video loop for LED mosaic, permanently installed in the entrance lobby of the F. Hoffmann - La Roche home for IT (HIT255) in Kaiseraugst, Switzerland. Themed with the two cycles of life and sun, the 33 x 14 ft mosaic, like an archeological
  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) Video-Music-Sound-Art-Vision SCHAHRAM POURSOUDMAND Music- & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Format: 16:9/HD Audio: Stereo Length: 9:59 Min. Year: 2019 LICHTPHON is the sound- and
  • Schmutziges Licht ( LICHTPHON ART-AVANT X ) Sound/Video Work Schahram Poursoudmand (Music & Sound Artist, Composer, Visual Imagist, Poet) & Yoann Trellu (Video & Visual Artist) An abstract, poetic visual-sound-drama The visual, tonal union and view
  • In Giulia Bowinkel & Friedemann Banz series of ”body paintings”, the body becomes the shaping pulse. Recordings of body movements in space are coupled with fluid simulations. The generated forms follow the movement of people, translating physical