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  • ...ou enter into the space you are confronted with a dramatic and disturbing combination of images and sound. A ‘wall’ of figures, naked and...
  • Arteries -
    Arteries is a digital public art project based on a town/city in the South West region. The theme is the the structure of a town/city as a living and constantly changing organism; The 'body' of the town or city having no rigid boundaries
  • linescape.cpp -
    ... down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum
  • Magnet -
    ... and large scale digital video projection. Magnet employs two computers, two low light video cameras and two high resolution data...
  • SoundSlam -
    ... will also love your strengthened body. (source:
  • His Master's Voice -
    ... experience strategies and goals. (source:
  • Shadow Dance: Eclipse -
    ... pictures, environmental sounds and narrations. Shadow Dance, completed in July 2001, is in the permanent collection of the Chabot...
  • Equipements which exchange views between two persons. You can only see through the other person's eyes when you wear these machines, which forcibly put you in the other's place. These were made to obscure the border between identities of
  • ...Forest WalkArtist: Janet CardiffComment:
  • The Dark Pool -
    Internetproject, have a look at