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  • 3D Ceramic Print Sculpture + Mixed Reality AR installation (with /p), 2019 Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes; Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something
  • Unexpected Growth -
    Perturbations in the natural order have torn the fabric of the space-time continuum, and unexpected growths are seeping into our world - perhaps from our own future. Augmented reality apps transform our mobile devices into "ARscopes;" allowing us to
  • Evolution of Fish -
    Evolution of Fish is an augmented reality large projection that turns the surroundings--outside on building facades, or inside on gallery walls--into an underwater reef, filled with schools of fish. Visitors can use iPads to guide the fish around
  • In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic it was thought that transmission was primarily through physical contact. We were hyperaware of the surfaces we touched and of the traces that may or may not be on those surfaces. Indeed, for those alone
  • The Four Senses was a series of multi-sensory concerts performed at the Dorothy Winstone Theatre in Auckland in 2002. It built upon two 1999 events - one conceptualised and realised by New Zealand artist Raewyn Turner and one that was created by
  • Virtual Berlin Wall -
    The Berlin Wall separated West Berlin from East Berlin from 1961 - 1989. As part of the “inner German border” it was a symbol of the Cold War and the division of large parts of the world into two opposing political systems. By now, most traces of