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  • Floating Signs -
    ...Light installation in public space, 2011-present Harbour, Bregenz (A), invited competition Departing from ambiguous concept and image worlds...
  • ... Federal Educational Academy, Feldkirch (A), competition 2001-present [English title, Light Graffiti] 'LichtGraffiti' is an...
  • Secret
    ... space and create verbal and visual links between immaterial presences, voids, and distant signs. This VRML navigational poem was...
  • Letter
    ...A navigational poem that presents the viewer with the image of a three-dimensional spiral jetting off the center of a two-dimensional spiral....
  • Perhaps -
    ... in order to read the poem, must establish his or her own presence in this textworld through a verbal avatar. As remote...
  • ... that evolves and eventually effaces itself to generate new, unpredictable forms.
  • ... and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees of presence, traces of daily gestures and fragments of intimacy....
  • ... Public indoor swimming pool, Dornbirn (A), competition 2005- present [English title, loud and quiet] 'LAUTUNDLEISE' was conceived...
  • Monologue 2021 -
    ... installation are combined and employed. The images of animation present the style of Chinese calligraphy. Dancers’ movements respond...
  • Which one is true? -
    ...Reality has become more precious with the advent of artificial intelligence. We are now living in the era of post-truth and is bombarded by fake...