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  • The "US Department of Art & Technology" is an artist-led, virtual government agency. The US DAT functions as a conduit between the arts and the broader political and economic culture for facilitating the artist' need to extend aesthetic inquiry
  • span 3 -
    isabelle jenniches span 3, 2008-2009 Digital LightJet print, 73.7 x 304.8 cm Acknowledgements: Jeroen Doorenweerd & Rijksgebouwendienst, Douanekantoor Maasvlakte Many miles away from the actual location, yet connected via the Internet,
  • driessens & verstappen e-volved cultures xxwide, 2008 Variable screen. Software for Mac OS X, installation with 2 projectors Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts,
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    ... movements whose efforts to bring about artistic,...
  • growth pattern -
    allison kudla growth pattern, 2010 A light box array of Petri dishes containing agar, nutrients, hormones, die-cut leaves Production: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón Acknowledgements: Universidad de Washington, Seattle;
  • decon -
    The project explores the use of biotechnology methods and materials as art media, for the development of paintings literally alive that deconstruct themselves while exhibited. In Decon, replicas of Piet Mondriaan’s geometric paintings were created
  • "Narcissus' Well" is an interactive multimedia installation that investigates how we are absorbed in the ephemeral, the intangible, the invisible, and the faraway - the quest for self-knowledge mediated through technology. The installation employs a
  • Season in Hell -
    After four turbulent years serving the President, Secretary-at-Large Randall M. Packer of the US Department of Art & Technology took back the Department and made it his own. With the spectre of Orf as his guide (who bears witness to deteriorating
  • Video: The remix of President George W. Bush's 2005 State of the Union speech is set to Richard Wagner's Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde, a tale of two lovers who suffer a fateful embrace with love and death. In Bush's speech, a
  • bit.flow mk2 -
    julius popp bit.flow mk2, 2007-2008 Mixed media Courtesy: Dogenhaus Galerie, Leipzig Navigation through the modern world is no longer linear; the thread cannot serve as a model for its description. In bit.flow mk2 dozens of tiny pieces of the