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  • ... He is deeply interested in new forms of computation, learning systems,...
  • ... themselves into collonies and formations as long as the participant...
  • Neuro Mirror - video
    ... are activated when we perform these actions ourselves. Another...
  • ... of artworks in different forms and formats, they are all based...
  • ... of abstract artificial life forms that they created through their...
  • ... blending with humans in hybrid forms.
  • ... ability to easily replicate forms and perform symmetry operations...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... enclosure in Escher's print is formed by three interpenetrating...
  • Suit on the Phone Digital print. Size: various Date created: Spring 1994 Victor: Here again is another early Soft-image 3D piece that I created when I was working in Hollywood as an IRIS print operator. This was at Klein Design in that tall thin
    ... from the initial performance on four screens throughout the...