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  • Pro
    Pro is a video installation that reveals the simulated virtual environments within the structure of 2 curved while walls. Relating to the vertical framing motif of Chinese traditional landscape painting, Pro invites the viewer into a familiar but
  • Differenza ed estetica digitale: il glitchArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Glitch -
    GlitchArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Computer poems. Dall’archeologia al source code poetryArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Asemic-glitch writing -
    Asemic-glitch writingArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Asemic cinema/Asemic conference (subtitled)Artist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Latenza. Other informations of poetryArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • Gogoame -
    How much does a word weight? How would letters and characters behave if they were subjected to physical forces similar to those observed and experienced in the concrete world? Gogoame is a net art experiment that continue the tradition of literary
  • KALEIDOSKOP functions as a very large and completely walkable lightbox. On its surface float in separate layers inks in cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY). But these colors what we see are not there, they do not exist outside of our head, they are
  • Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3 levels of images: Foreground-Matte-Background (Front-Back-Matte) The 3 levels of commodities: Sensitive-No-Sensitive-Suprasensitive. Oculus Oracle The labourer is distinguishable only