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  • video 6,'08 Album: Algida Bellezza, Netherworld (Glacial Movements) The video for the track Orcinus Orca followed the release of the album Algida Bellezza (Alessandro Tedeschi aka Netherworld, Glacial Movements, 2019). The music captured artist’s
  • ... system. The recording of the formation of various crystal types is...
  • 13,16′ The recording of dynamic forms of magnetic fluids that are produced...
  • ... skull, the exhibition Vanitas formulated a logical allegorical...
    ... idea of the ‘transparent body’. Formally the work is based on a...
    ... a butterfly changing colors is formed by a light reflection of a video...
  • ... the context of a deliberately formal agenda. The use of transparent...
  • An Engine of Many Senses is a generative computational work exploring the history and potential future of the computer. It includes a series of media elements that combine and recombine over time -- 3d images, 2d stills, generative audio, generative
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... with image, movement and music forming living signs in space. There...
  • Transcendence Index -
    The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which analyzes texts of two periods (1900-1917 and 2000-2017) in order to calculate the index of their transcendence; – a robotic device which cooks 2 borschts (borscht is a