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  • ... selected for swimming, walking, jumping, following, and competing for...
  • Conversation -
    ... of physical and virtual spaces dislocate audiences within...
  • ... balance to move through virtual spaces with the Virtual Balance.The...
  • ... the audience's preference for jumping around on the inflatable floor....
  • ... orientate themselves in large spaces and quickly access information...
  • Traces -
    ... networked CAVEs (immersive VR spaces). But it is very different in...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... to the larger body-owner community. The main elements of the online... of physical and ephemeral spaces effect our collectively embodied...
  • ... figures and spesific artifical spaces and environments. The stage...
  • Architext - video
    ... the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the projected...
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... in search of new conceptual spaces and of open-ended creative...