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  • (in)human sciences -
    ... respecting its rules and limits, at same time attaching a new significance to advertising...
  • ... being done and repairs being made all the time. Shown at:- 1. Great North Museum,...
  • ...At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for brain design...
  • ... in the eighteenth century. In more recent times, visual music reappeared in the Theosophical...
  • ... printed ‘interface’, exploiting at the same time the “sensorial” possibilities of the printed...
  • ... coupled to the robot transmitting in real time scenes of the serpentarium. Its name is...
  • ... phenomena which are at least five times smaller than the wavelength of light, which...
  • ... to the graphics system in real time. A minimal shift of weight on the platform...
  • ... poem accuses the science and art of the time of being nothing more than an outrageous...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... latest blue box technologies. At the same time, though, the projected Delvaux world poses...