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  • Uirapuru -
    ... multi-user virtual reality, and networking into a...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... of the piece was realized on November 11, 1997, in...
  • Eduardo Kac pioneered telepresence art in 1986, when he created his first wireless robot, a remote-controlled anthropomorphic figure through which human participants could engage in conversation. In 1989 Kac developed with Ed Bennett the telerobot
  • Little Sister -
    ... media technology and "Reality"-TV. (Andrea Zapp)
  • I first conceived the Telepresence Garment in 1995 to investigate the notion of the mediascape as an expanded cloth; i.e., to consider wireless networking as a new fabric that envelops the body. The Garment, which I finished in 1996, gives
  • Terrain 01 -
    A metal ring with 3-meter diameter is placed on the floor, and thirty to forty 20cm long insect like robots are moving in there. The robots start moving when activated as the solar sensors on their backs detect larger quantity of light. The robots
  • Field-Work@Alsace -
    ... the camera. Project was realised in August and September...
  • Predicatable Lab -
    ... Are we able to realise the body beyond its...
  • IKI-IKI Phone is a multi-user, networked Artificial Life (= Alife) art game for the I-mode mobile phones. In this sys- tem, subscribed users can create Artificial Life creatures (= IKI-IKI pets), interact with these pets, feed them, take care
  • Zero@wavefunction installation and interactivity is based on the way a nanoscientist manipulates an individual molecule (billions of times smaller than common human experience) projected on a monumental scale. When a person passes by, they cast a