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  • digital "Minuets and Polonaise" is a digital transcription of 6 of the 18 pieces from the Anna Magdalena Notebook (Klavier-Büchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach) by Johann Sebastian Bach.
  • Two separated air beds that are connected with large hoses that enable the users to feel each others movements from a distance.
  • ... technologies. The following text describes the work in June 2003 at the world premiere at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London. The work was changed significantly in subsequent presentations . The Game Street Players buy a ticket and then...
  • Plasm: A Country Walk -
    ... simulation is driven by the 3DO game console's low-cost rendering hardware, with rear-screen projection filling the participant's view. (source:
  • Biotica -
    ...An immersive journey into a world of artificial-life creatures. Viewers use their arms to fly and navigate in a virtual 3D world of evolving, swimming and pulsing a-life creatures. (source:
  • Cross-Control -
    ... are being manipulated and the consequence for human communication is tangibly investigated. The public is invited to take part in an individual two man boat race. The boats have been specifically designed for this project and because of the special...
  • mimesia -
    ... Key to these realisations is the notion of mimesis, the creation of illusions that mimic nature, a form of technological artifice, so common in modern society we scarcely notice its ubiquitous presence. We fall for the lifestyle dreams offered to us...
  • Versifier -
    ...VersifierArtist: Gina CzarneckiComment:
  • Metropolis -
    ... 2 large scale video projections, colour A Little Pig Production, UK, 2005. Supported by Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre Metropolis is composed of two interactive video projections using high resolution video projectors...
  • IDfone -
    ... (biometrics) and a video-phone gone wrong. Employing digital "mirrors" that reflect imagery from two different locations the artwork functions as a portal to somewhere/someone else. Viewers look into 2 screens, located in different spaces, and are confronted...