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  • Generative Art created over the bases of Roger Penrose equations
  • The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal
  • NSA-USA takes as it point of departure the recent citizen spying scandal emanating from the activities of the National Security Agency. Both American and citizens outside the United States were surveilled and there is disagreement as to the whether
  • Cloud Murmurs -
    This project collects sound recordings taken in different datacenters, rooms where we store our data, websites and sensitive informations, as big clouds following us everywhere. Clouds seems to us intangible and impalpable, silent, due to their
  • Beleza Convulsiva Tropical discute a tensão entre natureza e cultura, o informal e o formal, as situações de enfrentamento entre controle e descontrole que se emaranham à história cultural e urbana do Brasil. Aqui os trópicos são entendidos como uma
  • DIGITAL MONSTERS DON'T BLEED An algorithm is a distinct method of instructions for calculating and solving a problem or a set of problems. It consists of a number of well-defined individual steps and can, for instance, be implemented to execute a
  • Hyper Real -
    For her new series “Hyper Reality” Olga Kisseleva has photographed food items stolen by consumers in a supermarket and reconstructed them as still lives. Each photo allows one to paint a portrait. Olga Kisseleva’s historical references are situated
  • Rectilinear Displacement positions the viewer in an extended mechanical linear motion - of up to 40 metres - through an exhibition space. At the same time, the user is visually immersed in a virtual space that is projected on a spherical screen. The
  • OHP # -
    OHP III is a light installation that investigates the poetic potential of an obsolete technological medium, the overhead projector. The additional film rolls of the projector, usually manually operated, are moved and controlled through motors and
  • Clockwork -
    Twelve concrete mixers are arranged in a circle in the center of a large rectangular space. They form an “erosion machine” designed to accelerate the decay of Vienna. The mixing drums are filled with architectural debris taken from various buildings