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  • Boids
    ... capture the global behavior of a large number of interacting autonomous agents. Individual-based models are being used in biology,...
  • the leap -
    ... this installation is to create a significant, distinctive and autonomous work of art through strong medial experiences. The Leap...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... that are still unknown to Poetry Machine, the program sends autonomous „bots" into the internet to get appropriate informations....
  • Spider Haus is a transpecies communication artwork constructed of stereo lithography plastic and a common house spider (Theridiidae) in the winter and an orbital web spider in the summer. It is designed to amplify and connect the viewer with the
  • CityCluster Project -
    CityCluster is a virtual-reality networking matrix with original technological features, navigation and interactivity, graphic and content style. A creative virtual networking terrain with ingenious tools, where visitors, with their own creativity
  • Lautriv's body is an interactive sculpture. Both sexes are contained in unique figure, composed by a synthesis of classical forms: the head of Medusa, the ears (serpents) of Medusa, the chest and hand of Discobolo and the abdomen and legs of
  • Off-Sense -
    ... features for the %Off-Sense" is some artificial intelligences. Autonomous movements and a capabilities of artificial conversations....
  • Lightpools
    Lightpools or El Ball del Fanalet is a multi-user experience that uses Virtual Reality (VR) technology. It takes place in a circular arena approximately six meters in diameter, onto which a real-time computer generated image is projected from above.
  • Workaholic
    A pendulum hangs from the ceiling, with an omnidirectional bar code scanner as the bob (the weight) at the end of the cable. The scanner casts an intense red laser beam downward as it skims the floor, reading symbols printed on a 12 foot diameter
  • ZOMBIAC consists of a large number of computer terminals and workstations, ranging in vintage from the 1970s to the present. Each computer has been "zombified": all the original electronics have been removed, transforming them into mindless