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  • ... user. As images come from either the left or right side of the screen, they all stream toward each other before leaving the screen...
  • ... the moving image of a woman is projected on a face-shaped screen, resulting in true 3D (and erroneously referred to as...
  • ... can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual three-dimensional space constituted by...
  • Recollections I-IV -
    ... the participant to move in front of a large video projection screen. As the person moves, his or her image is recorded by a video...
  • Hybrid Space -
    ... up in the rooms. During the opening, the public was invited to share an Antarctic made of marzipan and whipped cream.
  • Tracing -
    ...Tracing is a two screen projection installation that uses the two-sides of a wall positioned in the middle of the gallery room to contrast two... interactions in the front screen area, the data being shared through infra-red communication between the two computers. ...
  • ... and, at the same time, with the imagetic condition of the screen text. They are all images that perform texts and face the...
  • ... contains a chair and table, and on each table is a flat touch screen, a stereographic monitor (viewable with LCD shutter glasses)... and move about using the 3-D mouse. The screen image is a shared virtual space where each person's chosen character is...
  • Playhouse
    ... sound is crucial to splitting open the flat space of the screen. Through this recording technique, sound extrudes out of the...
  • esc for escape -
    ... project on error messages. A documentary on life beyond the screen with outputs in DVD, electronic billboards and indoors...