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  • ...A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite...
  • ... panorama with text superimposed over the image. The participant can navigate spatially by...
  • ... The hanging objects present microscopic image of a carbon substance (up) and its digital...
  • ... able to sort over 2000 balls and create images by choosing the relevant positions of...
  • ... order) Date created: 2016 This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work...
  • Open Head
    ... a top speed of 120 km/hour. A visible image only appears on the screen when it is...
  • Orbic Field s01 -
    ... order) Date created: 2018 This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work...
  • Orbic Field s02 -
    ... special order) Date created: 2018 A still image from the Acevedo Electronic Visual Music...
  • Orbic Field s04 -
    ... order) Date created: 2018 This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work...
  • Orbic Field s05 -
    ... order) Date created: 2018 This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work...