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  • ... not present in the natural world.
  • SKIN - Performance -
    ... inspired by the natural moulting process of...
  • Delicate Balance -
    ... is heated to the natural comfort level of the...
  • ... representing a natural forest. The forest...
  • solid
    ... playing a part. This natural behaviour makes these...
  • ... mixing synthetic and natural images in real time...
  • All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players -- Shakespeare. World Stage, uses digital representations of global species of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a year when national, political
  • pinwheels -
    ... site hits tracking, natural wind movement, and...
  • Forced Leisure -
    A hammock, a symbol of leisure, relaxation and even freedom, is combined with elements of a straitjacket. Textile sensors are woven into the fabric and measure the “degree of relaxation”. Movement and attempts of escape are detected in different
  • Moving Movie - video
    ... The result is a very natural looking "flashlight...