Archive Search

  • CircuiTUI -
    ... can be modified or re-organized in a virtual circuit....
  • Senseboard -
    ... of information to be organized, such as a message,...
  • Tangible Viewpoints -
    ... point-of-view story are organized according to the...
  • ... of Minoan Crete, and the derivative mystery schools of...
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... a meditative soundscape derived from sounds recorded...
  • Interfaces -
    ... vertical rendering of slow-scan TV (SSTV), to... exchange conceived and organized by Eduardo Kac which...
  • ... words, the sculpture is derived from the molecular...
  • Tesão -
    ... videotext art gallery organized in Rio de Janeiro by...
  • Paracube: paraCubes -
    ... formulas ; the frame was derived from the same process,...
  • Three City Link -
    ... artists in Chicago (organized by Eduardo Kac and...