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  • ... the two players. Sharing a televirtual space of alphabetic forms, the formal interaction of the two players was both a sculptural...
  • ... and using its zoom and play buttons, the viewer controls his forward, backward and rotational movements through the virtual scene,...
  • ... EVE. Whereas the rePLACEd 3D software that is based on Silicon Graphics' GL library is tailored very closely to the... rotating platform, the zoom buttons of the camera control forward and backward travel speed. A third button allows centering of...
  • iC_inema 1
    ...iC_inema is an experiment in search of a completely new form of interactive cinema. With twelwe cameras a 360 degree panoramic view of the real...
  • ... with their tromp l'oeil perspectival manipulations of form and space, is hereby extended by a further level of optical...
  • Alembic
    ... projection of computer generated 3D images. These virtual forms represent the content of an 'alembic retort', a device...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ... with a TrackBall as a navigation interface, and a microphone for conversation. Video cameras are placed near the screen, recording...
  • ... life, music and technology, together in a revolutionary new form of live performance. Jaron's group, Chromatophoria, combines...
  • The Adding Machine -
    ... polarized glasses. This exciting new technology allowed for the realization of fantastic locals and special effects never...
  • Genesis -
    ... to a conversion principle specially developed by the artist for this work. The sentence reads: "Let man have dominion over the...