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  • Feeding Consciousness -
    Feeding Consciousness takes inspiration from the fabled tower of Babel, when a united and ambitious people having attempted to reach for the stars, were confounded by God, their previously common language made incoherent, forcing them to scatter
  • ERROR 404 502 410 -
    What do computer errors sound like? In our everyday use of computers error messages are communicated without sound. Most likely you are presented with matter-of-fact information like, “Server Error. The server has encountered a temporary error and
  • Fluctuating between the worlds of early Baroque and late Ming/early Qing eras, the project explores a rather brief yet multi-faceted period of enlightened dialogue between Europe and China. Although characterised by a respectful scientific exchange,
  • Workshop and exhibition, results from the collaborative practice of a group of scientists and artists who were involved in all stages from the preparatory stages, in Brazil, to the event in Havana. LART, in the Art and Science circuit by proposing
  • Fragments from The Impossible Flying Machine by ERASE C41: "My first sighting happened in 1967, on a trip from (A) to (B). It was a night flight and we had leveled off at our assigned altitude and were approximately 40 Km north of (A). We suddenly
  • I agree : 1. To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent. 2. To adopt or use as one's own: I borrowed your polygon I am giving you back the fundamental transformation. 3. To take a
  • Recreación Técnica es una serie que aborda la imagen como resultado de distintas fuentes de contenido: la experiencia propia a través de la memoria, los estados de pensamiento inconsciente y las múltiples otras formas en las cuales nuestro cerebro
  • Latenza. Other informations of poetryArtist: Francesco AprileComment:
  • AL GRANO: Framing Worlds deploys a staging of fact and ction where various registers of images, texts and objects, coexist. These digitally produced 2D and 3D pieces have as common element the manipulation of languages, histories and codes (the
  • A seed of transgenic corn represents an explosive capsule that on the one hand has the capacity to divide communities and Nations, and on the other hand the ensuing debates have caused movements of conservation and care of ecosystems, the