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  • ... two disks to spin in opposite directions. On the interior disk are a series of animation frames painted onto glass; on the black outside disk, rotating in the opposite direction, are cut slits. As the wheel spins, the slits act as a shutter and the...
  • ... This work investigates identity construction in the modern era - specifically during the Civil Rights Movement. Using a black pigmented wax, Hershman's portrait is reconstructed with a dark skin tone, underscoring racial ambiguity. A very early example...
  • ...“Making of Eve Clone II” extracts a black-and-white grid image of the merged faces of Eve Clone and the Vitruvian Man from “Making of Eve Clone I”. This interactive installation learns to mimic human facial expressions through audience participation. From a distance,...
  • 8520 S.W. 27th Place -
    ... about the pointlessness of our never ending decision making process: choosing between left or right, brown shoes or black shoes, K-mart or Wal-mart. The exhibit features modified Dancing Hamster Toys, originally manufactured by the Gemmy Industries...
  • ... front and side saturate the surfaces with image and light. At times, the surfaces appear to disappear, replaced by stark, black and white woodcut-like natural forms: gnarled trees, pools of water, chinese characters that melt like snow. The multichannel,...
  • Objects of desire -
    ...shellscript on custom made computer white standard typography on black background In short intervals, a text sequence appears on the screen of a transparent object with the promising Sentence by sentence, second by second, with each new beginning a new number...
  • Cheap Imitation -
    ... is movement in front of that facet's exact location in the painting. If there is no movement, the projection is all black. Small gestures like hand movements will draw one or two fragments into visibility. Full body movement across the whole...
  • The Living Room -
    ... digital video projection environment Multiple rooms, each approximately 12 x 10 x 6 metres 4 large scale projections, black and white and colour, multi-channel interactive sound Produced by The Film and Video Umbrella and CameraWork, London, UK...
  • ... Upon a Time . . . We Live Happily Ever After was a ritual performance about the signification of the colours red, white and black as these have been interpreted in various alchemical and psychoanalytic texts. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • ... new alphabet, combine it and say it thinking all the time in erasing what is being saying, the possibility of a language as black hole . Thinking and erase in one action that does not generate remains nor alphabets....