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  • Do-Undo -
    ... on top of the person's color image is the text "Now it's YOUR turn. Your movement will be recorded for 3 seconds". A ten second count-down begins: " Recording in -- Seconds ".After ten seconds the word "RECORDING" appears on the...
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ... your face before the warping is performed. The mirror acts like a true mirror, with the warped image updating 30 times a second with a full video resolution of 640x480 pixels. In the past this was possible only with a very expensive computer such as...
  • spectraII -
    ... corridor space, red laser lights mark out the architectural construction of the otherwise darkened space and divide it into sections. Along the length of the space, speakers and strobe lights are mounted in the ceiling. The flashing strobe lights and high...
  • ...The museum is redesigning part of its exhibition space, Science Storms, a major new section , opens 18 March 2010. My work, String Waves, will be part of the new collection. Installation was completed in early December 2009. These images show how it looked at...
  • electric earth -
    ...In Doug Aitken’s cinemascope-like, walk-in, multi-sectioned, video installation «Electric Earth» [...] the public is transported into the atmosphere of an airport by night. A flaming car and an abandoned shopping cart compliment the eerie scenario while, in a parallel...
  • SP3X -
    ... strengths of tangible interfaces with the visualization power of mixed reality. Users can create 3D models by defining cross sectional slices. Users wear a head-mounted display that allows them to see virtual objects, like the model they are creating,...
  • AirportSim -
    ... simulation objects that define the airport layout and parameters, such as check-in counters, waiting areas, and security checkpoints. Simulation controls affect the simulation globally, including a terror alert level control that allows the...
  • ... we know it today. Fortune Magazine has disclaimed any knowledge of these cookies but it is rumored they were developed at a secret investment capital laboratory based in Silicon Valley. What will your future bring? Search for Fortune 500 Cookies in your...
  • CrossWorlds -
    ...the same time like a dissident’s practice (an other way of encoding!) and like a monitoring following by manipulation – all kind of secret service’s practice. Because of my ex-soviet origin, I’m extremely impressed with the Berlin’s House of World Cultures. A lot of...
  • ... involving you and the electrical system (count, stretch, look behind you, look around the corner and so on.) # A section where electrical instruments allow for the measurement of self-doubt (give yourself a massage, or watch yourself magnified,...