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  • ... role to the visuals. However, the eye can only attain a high level of awareness, or focus, to a narrow fraction of the space to...
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... and can zoom into the spider all the way to the molecular level. When the user gets to this level they will be able to select...
  • Aspects of Gaia -
    ...he installation is a 2-level schematization of this telematic Gaia. One level is presented in tents, with computer graphic images...
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    ... weather conditions. Sensor devices measure wind speed, light levels and temperature information, which is fed into a computer which...
  • Room of One`s Own -
    ... electronic peep show. A stainless steel box placed at eye level with movable periscopic viewing device bridges the viewer into a...
  • Delicate Balance -
    ... tank by moving it. The water is heated to the natural comfort level of the fish, a tropical 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit. The fish...
  • the Flock -
    ... participants. The microphones are placed so relative volume levels of viewer/participants voices can be monitored. Kenneth E....
  • bubbles -
    ... the work addresses the aesthetics of interaction on several levels: There is the body itself, which is usually left out when it...
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    ... The installation is able to produce a high level of structured complexity both in graphical images and acoustical...
  • ... the world. It symbolizes the state where human becomes high level being by achieving the integration of consciousness and...