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  • ... dark. Outside this gaze of darkness, at the edges of the visual field, a 3D reconstruction of a city is visible; an almost abstract urban environment that has no visible reference to any specific location. Through subtle manipulations of movement,...
  • ...n Factory Prototype, Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein have produced a very specific installation — a mechanism designed to transform abstract things into concrete objects with the participation of the spectator. An installation/tool, it examines first the mind and its...
  • Dust
    ...In his new work, Dust, DeMarinis explores facial similarities, pairs of faces, and the abstraction of images into the dust. DeMarinis presents a fragment of this collection of likeness-pairs, scanned sequentially into the light-memory of phosphorescent powder. After a...
  • All you can see -
    ... of the material, perceptible for the viewer as monochrome representation, references to the colour field painting of Abstract Expressionism. In this video production, the subject is dispended and colour is employed purely for its own sake. Theories...
  • ... being clipped onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of the microscope three dimensional abstract virtual organisms, all being produced through an algorithm. According to parameters coming both from the plant biological...
  • ... 8 meters per frame depending on location). The tracks assure unrivaled stability and match-cuts. One intention was to abstract rather than simulate reality, to provide an experience not possible in the real world: the system allows continuous speeds...
  • ... In both, exhibition visitors (aka Brain workers) give – straight from their brain waves – a three-dimensional shape to abstract concepts, like FREEDOM, PEACE, MONEY, LOVE, POWER. In VoV, the resulting shapes are brought into the context of an “ethical...
  • ... principle), chain formation, deformation with multiplied symmetry or a simulation of the Brownian motion create a flexible abstract form, which in a state of constant metamorphosis tends to seek stability. The simulation of processes at micro- and...
  • ... In both, exhibition visitors (aka Brain workers) give – straight from their brain waves – a three-dimensional shape to abstract concepts, like FREEDOM, PEACE, MONEY, LOVE, POWER. In VoV, the resulting shapes are brought into the context of an “ethical...
  • ... software, which can be fixed and optimized to improve performance and efficiency. Research is presented as a triptych of abstract structures that provide a framework to bring together egalitarian values, collaborative perspectives and edifying voices. It...