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  • ... is reflected in the emotionally charged terms chosen by... ENERGY PASSAGES 2004 Energy Passages transforms the ordinary into...
  • Nano -
    ... When another visitor passes through the corridor, the...
  • Cell Ghosts -
    ... as a ghost. The person passing by also activates text....
  • ... and play on the passivity and participation of...
  • Embracement -
    ... engaged in a range of emotional exchanges. As if... trices of a moment in passing.
  • ... comments and then passing relevant information to...
  • ... two computers with a remote visual sensing system for... they dance various passages from the Tango, change...
  • ... to abstraction, passing by technical...
  • Plasm: A Nano Sample -
    ... vehicle, clouds of passive brass flakes are swirled...
  • LAM -
    ... as the information passed form one system to...